STEP 5: Identifying Yeast - Microscopy
Summer 2018:
Here are pictures of your samples as seen through a microscope at 400x magnification. Microscopy allows us to look closer at the cells growing on the Agar plates so that we can confirm that they are yeasts. Compare the cells in your image with the image at the right which shows yeast cells zoomed in 400x. Click the link to learn more about the science behind this step of the Yeasty Beasties process.

Yeast Cells!
Large egg shaped cells with evidence of budding. Your sample has yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
Oval cells dividing by budding -
Your sample has yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
Cells are small and numerous. Growth of bacteria :(
Please submit more!
Large cells with signs of budding. Yeast growth!
Moving to STEP 6...
Yeast cells!
Moving to STEP 6...
Cells are egg-shaped and large. Your sample has yeasts!​
Moving to STEP 6...
Presence of yeasts confirmed!
Moving to STEP 6...
Large, budding cells. Sample has yeasts! Moving to STEP 6...​
Cells are numerous and certainly yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
Large oval cells - ​
Your sample contains yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
Sample contains yeast cells. Moving to STEP 6...
Oval yeast cells, with some organized in chains.
Moving to STEP 6...
Cells are small and spherical. Sample contains bacteria.
Please submit more!
Cells are sparse, but your sample has yeasts! Moving to STEP 6...
Cells are round, egg shaped, and budding. Moving to STEP 6...
Sample contains yeast cells! Moving to step 6...
Cells meet all yeast criteria!
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Sample produced large spherical cells...
Moving to STEP 6...
These are yeast cells!
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Cells meet all the qualifications -
Your sample has yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
These oval cells are obviously budding.
Sample has yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
Your sample contains yeasts!​
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Cells are spherical and large. Your sample has yeasts!​
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Large and round yeast cells with some found in clusters.
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Egg-shaped densely packed cells in this sample... Yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
Very large, budding cells.
Sample has yeasts!
Moving to STEP 6...
Your sample contains yeast cells!​
Moving to STEP 6...